
祇園祭 山鉾紹介



巡行の順番 前祭 5 くじ取らず (2021年)
住所 京都市下京区四条通烏丸西入函谷鉾町
説明  中国古代史話、孟嘗君の故事に基づく。戦国時代、斉の孟嘗君は秦の昭王に招かれ、宰相に重用された。しかし讒言によって咸陽を脱出して、函谷関まで逃げたが、関の門は鶏が鳴かねば開かない。配下が鶏の鳴き声をまねたところ、あたりの鶏が和して刻をつくったので見事通り抜けたという。真木は22メートル。鉾頭に、三角形の白麻を張り、先頭に三日月が上向きにとりつけられる。
鉾建て 10日午前7時~
曳き初め 12日午後2時~
English Kanko-hoko
The design of this hoko is based on a Chinese chronicle of a lord, Meng Changjun of Qin. During the Chinese Warring States period (B.C.476- 221), King Zhaoxiang (B.C. 306-251) of Qin invited Lord Meng Changjun to serve as the prime minister for his country. However, due to slanderous reports during the course of his leadership, Meng Changjun tried to escape from the Qin capital of Xianyang. He made it to the Han Gu Guan barrier, but found the barrier gate would open only when the cocks crowed. Fortunately, one of his subordinates could imitate this, and soon the cocks crowed in chorus, the gate opened, and Meng Changjun was able to successfully escape. On this hoko, the length of the Shingi pole is twenty-two meters. Its top is covered by triangle-shaped white linen, and an upwards-facing crescent symbol.