
祇園祭 山鉾紹介



巡行の順番 前祭 16   (2021年)
住所 京都市中京区錦小路通室町東入占出山町
説明  釣り竿を持った人形は、神功皇后の姿をかたどっている。九州・肥前の川で、鮎を釣って戦勝を占った伝説が由来。この山には「あいわい山」の別名が明治まで語られていたが、町衆に人気のあった山であったことをうかがわせる。色鮮やかな日本三景を描いた胴掛けが特徴。
山建て 13日午前8時~
English Urade-yama
The doll with a fishing rod represents Empress Jingu, a mythical empress of the 3rd century. This yama originates from the legend that she predicted victory in the coming battle by catching a trout when fishing in a river in Hizen, the northwest part of Kyushu. This yama had been called by its nickname, Aiwai Yama, until the Meiji era (1868-1912), and it shows how popular the yama was among local people. The new side tapestries were completed in 1991 after 10-years of work, perfecting the colorful suite of pictures of the three most scenic spots in Japan. The grand drapes picturing the 36 most famous poets, including Ariwara-no-Narihira, also attracts people. The 36 poets were selected from the poets of the 7th to 10th centuries by Fujiwara-no-Kintou, a poet in the 10th and 11th century.