
祇園祭 山鉾紹介



巡行の順番 前祭 14   (2021年)
住所 京都市中京区室町通蛸薬師下ル山伏山町
説明  山に飾る御神体が山伏の姿をしているので、この名前がある。前(さき)の祭りでは一番北の山。役行者山と同様、当時民間信仰として人気のあった修験道・山伏から着想された。正面の水引は、雲中の竜、青海波と麒麟を精緻な刺しゅうで描いた中国からもたらされた豪華なもの。見送りも中国・明時代のものとされる。
山建て 12日午前9時~
English Yamabushi-yama
The name "Yamabushi," a mountain ascetic, comes from the outfit worn by the deity that is carried on the yama. Among the 23 floats in Saki-no-Matsuri, the first part of the parade, this yama comes from the northernmost town. Like En-no-Gyoja Yama, Yamabushi Yama was inspired by the popular folk belief of the time in yamabushi and their practice of Shugendo, an ancient shamanistic religion. The front grand drape was brought from China, and gorgeously depicts a dragon in the clouds, big blue waves and a kylin, a deer-like mythical creature, in exquisite embroidery. The main tapestry at the back is also said to have been made in China during the Ming dynasty. The mountain ascetics from Shogoin Temple visit this yama to worship the deity on July 15.