
祇園祭 山鉾紹介



巡行の順番 前祭 11   (2021年)
住所 京都市下京区綾小路通新町西入矢田町
説明  戦後に町会所が無くなったため、綾小路に面した旧家・杉本家の表の間の格子を外し、お飾り場にしている。琴をまえに、斧をもった人形は、中国・晋時代の琴の名手・伯牙。怒りの目、紅潮した両頬は、友人の訃報を聞き、悲しみに打ち震えながら、まさに琴を打ち破らんとしている様を表す。明治になり多くの山が名前を改めさせられているが、この山も「琴破(ことわり)山」から改称した記録がある。
山建て 12日午前8時~
English Hakuga-Yama
Since there has been no public place to display the "Hakuga Yama" float after World War II, it has been placed at the Sugimoto Residence, the traditional wooden townhouse on Aya-no-koji-dori Street. Every year, during the Gion Festival, they remove the wooden screens in the entrance hall so that passers-by can enjoy the decorations. The doll sitting in front of the koto (Japanese traditional harp) with a hatchet is Hakuga, a Chinese virtuoso of harp in the era of the Chin dynasty (265-420). The float depicts the scene in which Hakuga, with enraged eyes and flushed cheeks, is about to destroy his harp in desperate grief at the news of his best friend's death. Many yama floats were forced to rename themselves in the Meiji Era, and there is a record that this float was also renamed from "Kotowari (breaking a harp) Yama" to "Hakuga Yama".