
祇園祭 山鉾紹介



巡行の順番 前祭 22 くじ取らず (2021年)
住所 京都市下京区新町通仏光寺下ル岩戸山町
説明  『古事記』『日本書紀』に記される「国生み」と「天の岩戸」の神話を故事にもつ、曳き山。「天の岩戸」は、素戔鳴尊の乱暴に天照大神が岩戸に隠れられたため、天地は常闇となり、八百万神は安の河原に集まって対策を練り、常世の国の長鳴鳥を鳴かせ、鏡を鋳造し、500個の勾玉をつくり、天香山の榊を立て、天鈿女命が舞った伝承である。屋形内に、伊弉諾尊、天照大神、手力男命の3体の人形が飾られる。
山建て 11日午前8時~
曳き初め 13日午後3時~
English Iwato-yama
This drawn float is named after two Japanese mythical stories, "Kuniumi"(Making of the Land) and "Ama-no-iwato" (Heavenly Rock Cave) in the "Kojiki" (Record of Ancient Matters) and "Nihon-shoki" (the second oldest history book about ancient Japan). According to the myths, Amaterasu Omikami, the Sun Goddess, hid herself in "Ama-no-iwato", the legendary cave, out of anger towards her violent younger brother, Susanoo-nomikoto, and darkness covered the land. The multitudinous gods gathered at Yasu-no-kawara, the riverside in the Plain of Heaven, to discuss how to calm her anger and entice her out of the cave. They made singing birds that never get old and die, cast a divine mirror, made 500 comma-shaped beads, planted Sakaki, the evergreen trees of Mt. Ama-no-kagu-yama, and had Ame-no-uzume-no-mikoto dance in front of the cave to induce the goddess to come out. Three dolls representing Izanagi-no-mikoto, Amaterasu-Omikami and Tajikarao-no-mikoto respectively, are set up on the float.