
祇園祭 山鉾紹介



巡行の順番 前祭 19   (2021年)
住所 京都市中京区西洞院通四条上ル蟷螂山町
説明  かまきり山、とも。文字どおりカマキリが屋根の上に乗り、子供たちも喜びそうな楽しい趣向だ。「蟷螂の斧」とは、自分の力のほどをわきまえず、大敵に立ち向かうことだが、その勇猛さを賞した中国の君子の故事が出典。町内の事情で、明治初め以降巡行をやめたが復帰した。
山建て 13日午前8時~
舁き初め 13日正午~
English Toro-yama
"Toro" means mantis and there literally is a figure of a mantis on the float's roof, and its humorous movements are really loved by children. The float is based on a Chinese proverb, "Hatchets of a mantis", meaning a weak man standing up against a powerful enemy. The origin of the proverb is derived from an ancient Chinese tycoon who praised the courage of a mantis trying to fight against him. Due to the financial status of its hosting town, the float had ceased participating in the procession at the beginning of Meiji Era, and its decorative apron was sold. Fortunately, the float with the mantis figure on it had been preserved, and it rejoined the procession in 1979 after an absence of 100 years.