
祇園祭 山鉾紹介



巡行の順番 前祭 3   (2021年)
住所 京都市中京区烏丸通四条上ル笋町
説明  中国・24孝の1人、孟宗は、母親が病気になったため、好物のたけのこを求めて竹林を歩きまわったが、寒の季節で1本もない。疲れて座り込んでしまったとき、たけのこが出、母親は元気を回復した話からきている。町名が笋(たかんな=たけのこの意味)町というのもこれに由来する。白綴地に雄渾な筆致で孟宗竹林が描かれた見送りは、竹内栖鳳の筆。極彩 色が多い山鉾のなかで、墨一色が異彩を放っている。
山建て 14日午前8時~
English Moso-yama
Meng Zong (Moso in Japanese) is a paragon of a man from "Records of Filial Piety in 24 Chapters" compiled in the Yuan dynasty, China. When his mother was seriously ill, he walked around a snow-covered bamboo grove looking for a bamboo shoot, her favorite delicacy. As it was a cold winter, it was very hard to find one, and he became totally exhausted. However, when he finally flopped onto the ground, he found one under the snow. His mother fully recovered after eating it. The town that owns this yama, Takanna, which means bamboo, was also named after this story. The main tapestry was painted by Seiho Takeuchi (1864-1942), a leading painter of the age who introduced European realism to innovate Japanese art culture. The tapestry depicts a bamboo grove on a white background with a powerful and dynamic touch. This simple black and white tapestry stands out well among the richly colored tapestries of other yama and hoko.