
祇園祭 山鉾紹介



巡行の順番 前祭 17   (2021年)
住所 京都市下京区室町通四条下ル鶏鉾町
説明  中国古代の伝説「諫鼓(かんこ)」、天の岩戸の永世の長鳴鳥の故事にちなむとも。「諫鼓」は、暦を制定した伝説の聖天子・尭帝が、宮廷の外に太鼓をすえ、政治に不満があればたたかせ、木を立てて、訴えを書かした。世は治まり、太鼓は苔を生じて鶏が巣をつくったという。鉾頭は、紅白を互い違いに巻いた三角枠で、なかに銅の円板が挟まれる。3つの角には紺いろの苧束の房がつけられる。
鉾建て 10日午前8時~
曳き初め 12日午後2時半~
English Niwatori-hoko
The origin of this hoko is said to be one of the Chinese legends, Kanko, and is also said to be a story of Kojiki about the goddess Amaterasu-Oomikami and singing birds that never get old and die. The Kanko is the story about the Chinese legendary Emperor Yao, who is said to have established the Chinese calendar system more than 4000 years ago. He set a drum outside the imperial court and encouraged the people to hit it when they had any complaints. Furthermore, he erected a wooden post and counseled the people to write their complaints on it. From that day onwards, it is said that the society lived in peace and security, so much so that the drum even become a home for the cocks (the Niwatori of Niwatori Hoko means 'cock'). The crown of the hoko is a triangle frame with rolled-up red and white cloth. In addition, a copper disk is fitted inside the triangle, and a bundle of linen fibers are attached to each of three corners.