
祇園祭 山鉾紹介



巡行の順番 前祭 10   (2021年)
住所 京都市下京区綾小路通西洞院西入芦刈山町
説明  御神体(人形)、衣装ともに山鉾のなかでも屈指の古さを誇る。人形のかしらには、天文6年の銘が、また、小袖は 16世紀の作とみられ、重要文化財に指定されている。謡曲「芦刈」は、摂津の国・難波にすむ夫婦は貧乏が原因で別れ、妻は都へ出て宮仕えする。が、夫が気掛かりで探したところ、落ちぶれて芦を売る夫を見つける、と言う話。山の正面 、側面に芦の造花が飾られる。
山建て 13日午前8時~
English Ashikari-yama
The deity figure (a doll) and its clothes are the oldest of those on all the floats. The year 1537 is inscribed on the doll's head. Its "kosode" robe, a short-sleeved kimono, is presumed to have been made in the 16th century, and is designated as one of the important cultural assets in Japan. The scene on this float is derived from an old Noh song, "Ashikari" (A Reed Reaper) based on folklore about a couple living in Settu (the northern part of present Osaka Prefecture), who had to separate because of poverty. The wife went to Kyoto, the ancient Japanese capital, to work at the Imperial Palace. However, she worried about her husband and returned to their hometown, where she found he'd fallen into worse circumstances and become a reed reaper. The front and sides of the float are decorated with artificial reeds.