
祇園祭 山鉾紹介



巡行の順番 前祭 20   (2021年)
住所 京都市下京区東洞院通松原上ル燈籠町
説明  旧名に「花ぬす人山」という。平井保昌は藤原大納言元方の孫で、致方の子で武勇にすぐれ、和歌も堪(たん)能であった。妻は、和泉式部。恋した女官から紫宸殿前の梅を手折ってほしいと頼まれた保昌が首尾よく一枝を得た。しかし北面の武士に発見され、射かけられた矢が頭をかすめ、保昌はほうほうの態で逃げ帰ったという。盗難除け、縁結びのお守りが授与される。
山建て 12日午前9時~
English Hosho-yama
The old name for this yama float is "Hana-Nusubito Yama", or the flower thief's yama. The figure on the yama represents Hirai Hosho (956-1036), grandson of Chief Councilor of State Fujiwara Motokata and son of Fujiwara Munekata. He was both a good warrior and a good poet. One day, in order to please a court lady he had fallen in love with, he went to get a branch of plum blossoms from the Imperial garden. Although he successfully took one, a palace guard noticed him. With arrows being shot at his head, he narrowly escaped from the palace. The lady was Izumi Shikibu, a famous poet in the court of that age who later became his wife. Amulets against theft and for happy marriage are given away at this yama.